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This is a playlist of the songs people are discovering and saving to their playlists from this site

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Found a Gem? Tell everyone with your taste by sharing it here to the People Like Me Playlist! with the input below completely FREE

Use the text input to Add keywords or phrases related to the currently playing song to help others find it in the future

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The People Like Me Suggestion Contest

Pay the Optional $0.99USD Fee For a Ticket?

Use PayPal To Enter your Suggestion and get your Ticket in your Email

Pot distributed to Ten suggestions first of every month most likely to be replayed

This Months Pot started with $2728.44USD

You could Win Minimum $545.68 USD per suggestion

Is your taste in New Music up to the Challenge?

 For every suggestion you make, We pay out up to a $100.00 finders fee if your suggestion is in the top 10 at the first of every month.
  We charge $0.99 to share suggestions.